Nancy Brewer


Wonder, Oh Wonder…..      It snowed last night.  When I awoke this morning there was some white stuff scattered on my lawn, and now it’s  gone .  The snow wasn’t that amazing, and yet….            Directly outside my front window is a small tree/bush.  I’d tell you

God: Clothes Designer

I need to confess.  I love clothes.  It’s almost like I’m a hoarder I have so many.  Now, I’m sure, there are those out there in the world who have more clothes than me.  I’m not saying I’m a world record holder or anything, but the truth still remains: I

Sam the Whiner Dog

I have a Border Collie mix,  his name is Sam.  Sam is about 2 and half years old and is a friendly, fun addition to my family. Sam has one major downfall: Sam is a whiner.  He whines over just about everything.  It’s not a loud whine, but it can

Fears and Moving Forward

I just need to put it out there.  I’m scared of spiders.  They are creepy crawly things that, for some bizarre reason, I’m afraid will attack me, and I will lose.  It makes no difference that I’m exceedingly larger than them.  It makes no difference that I can think and

Tacos with a side of Peace

At the request of my son, we made homemade salsa last night to have with our tacos. I made my typical homemade guacamole and also created a black bean, corn(fresh off the cob)and mango salad. Let’s just say the kitchen looked “well-used.”  I’m not telling you all this to pat myself

Hello! …. and welcome!

This is a new journey for me.  I’ve toyed with the idea off and on for some time, and basically haven’t generated the courage to put myself on “paper.”  Truth?  God wouldn’t let me say “no.”  So I’m entering a new world!Thanks for joining me on this journey.  I hope

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