Nancy Brewer

Thanksgiving Really does Come First

It started on Halloween; now it’s Christmas music until January.  I don’t hate it. Growing up, the rule was no Christmas music until after Thanksgiving.  I’ve fudged that rule several times over my life for a day here and there.  Basically, I follow the rule that my father laid down

Motivating Truth

I kept telling myself I was doing something I loved to do. It just didn’t feel like it anymore.  I tried to psych myself up by reminding my mind and heart of all the positives I got to enjoy: I loved the opportunity to be creative, I loved who I

Patience over Power

I found myself in a conversation last week that made me feel uncomfortable.  The other person wasn’t attacking me or saying anything exceptionally crude; I felt an unsettling attitude behind the words being spoken.  I sensed defensiveness, some anger and a lot of “I want to be right.”  I didn’t

Reach Out

  She reached out and grabbed for my hand.  It was an unusual move for my elderly mother; she thrives on her independence.  She had spent two and a half days in the hospital for a blockage in her colon.  The doctors and hospital staff had solved the issue, but

Disciple over Discipline

  For years I labeled myself undisciplined.  I couldn’t seem to exercise with any consistency at all.  My diet was whatever food was convenient.  My house appeared clean, but it really was a well-played illusion.  I’m ashamed to admit I’m bad about changing my sheets every week, and washing my

Grace Given

  On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 represents not-at-all and 10 represents totally, how much are you like Moses?  I know, it seems like an odd question.  Realistically, it’s also a very broad question.  Perhaps you answered 8 because your parents took you boating a lot when


I have a precious friend who has a tendency to surprise me.  I never know when she might magically appear with a special treasure.  I am periodically caught off guard by a funny text, a silly gif or a photo with a snarky comment.  She is one of those people

Seeking Jesus

I fell apart several days ago. I became completely overwhelmed and couldn’t see how I was going to manage everything I thought needed to be done.  It came over me suddenly and, to be honest, it caught me off guard.  My guess is it caught my sweet husband off guard

Keep Rejoicing

I glanced at my June calendar the other morning and I was surprised.  It was basically filled with my work schedule and that’s about it.  It didn’t have the appearance of my typical June calendar.  There were no identifiers of fun evenings with friends, or lazy summer afternoon coffee with

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Do you like introspection?  I know several people who seem to like it, or perhaps it’s just that they like the outcome well enough that they appear to jump into introspection without hesitation.  I, on the other hand, avoid introspection much like some people are avoiding the Corona Virus. I