Nancy Brewer

God Defends Us and Affirms our Value to Him

My king-sized bed was covered with clothes. I laid out completed outfits and displayed a variety of jewelry with each selection. Next, I tossed in different shoes and considered my options. I switched tops and bottoms, mixed, and matched, knowing I was limited to a carryon suitcase. I planned to spend a week with my parents, followed by four days enjoying the annual conference associated with my jewelry-selling business.

Living for the Opinion of Others

I wasn’t concerned with what I wore when I was with my parents, though I wanted to be well-dressed for church on Sunday. But my attire for the conference was another thing all together. I longed to appear thin, fashionable, and fun. I didn’t want to blend in with the ordinary crowd and I didn’t want to stand out to the degree others would view me as an oddity.

I’m slightly embarrassed to admit, when I was in my forties, I longed to be the girl that others would see and think: “Oh! Look at her! I wish I was friends with her!” Undoubtedly, I based too much of my identity and worth on people who didn’t even know I existed. In addition, I allowed my inner junior higher to speak her insecurities too loudly to my soul.

Knowing Our Value

If I’m completely honest, I didn’t stop struggling with my self-worth when I reached my fiftieth birthday. I will turn 60 this year, and Satan continues to play into this struggle of mine. He often taunts and tempts me to stray away from the truth of how God sees me: chosen, holy and dearly loved (Colossians 3:12).

Recently, the Holy Spirit spoke into this issue while we enjoyed our daily morning coffee date. He provided a fresh reminder of how God values each of us who belong to Him. In John 12, we read the story of Mary anointing Jesus with an expensive and fragrant oil. There were others in attendance who criticized Mary for being excessive and wasteful. Jesus’ simple reply to the objections soothed my needy soul.

Photo by 21 swan on Unsplash

“’Leave her alone,’ Jesus replied. ‘It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.’”

John 12:7-8 NIV

Jesus’ Affirmation of Mary

Jesus stood up for Mary; He defended her openly. Jesus even goes to the point of stating her expression of worship was more significant than checking good deeds off one’s list. Christ clearly honored her by gratefully accepting and delighting in her gift to Him. As a result, He placed His official stamp of approval on who Mary was and what Mary did.

As I read the story, I longed for affirmation that God would also place His official stamp of approval on me. Consequently, I looked more closely at Mary’s simple act, and I noticed three things.

Mary’s Three Traits

  1. Mary offered her best. Mary poured out a perfume that was worth almost a year’s wages. Let me give you a current comparison. My sweet Pastor husband and I would need to offer Jesus both our cars, our camping trailer, and probably some retirement money thrown in to equal Mary’s gift.
  2. Mary expressed her adoration in view of others. Mary, along with Jesus, her brother Lazarus, her sister Mary, the disciples, Simon the Leper, and others were enjoying a meal. Mary wasn’t savoring a private intimate moment with Christ; this was a public occasion.
  3. Mary focused solely on Jesus. She wasn’t distracted by the crowd at the table. Nor did she hold back because she was a woman and considered insignificant. She was overcome with who Christ is and she responded accordingly.

Did you notice Mary wasn’t recognized for creating a large platform and gaining a thousand followers? Mary wasn’t celebrated for beginning a ministry and improving the lives of many. Furthermore, Jesus didn’t congratulate Mary for earning a perfect attendance pin at the Temple nor commend her for teaching the three-year-old children for 2 decades.

Jesus Honored Mary

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

“I tell you the truth, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.” ~Jesus

Mark 14:9 NIV

Jesus’ statement obviously declares His gratitude and high opinion of Mary. She is to always be remembered as someone who valued Christ and “did what she could.” (Mark 14:8) Jesus stood up for her because she was Mary, someone He loved, and because she worshiped Him with abandon.

God Affirms Us by Standing in Our Corner

Just like Jesus was in Mary’s corner, God is in our corner. He stands up for us in the face of criticism and temptation to fit into the world’s mold. Moreover, He’s not standing over us with a list of appropriate behaviors to check off. Neither does God reserve hugs of approval for only those who reach a particular standard of achievement.

God notices what we offer Him and He accepts our gifts with grace and delight. We may not offer Christ such an elaborate act of worship as Mary displayed. However, He still stands in our corner and defends us when we offer the best we can with where we are in that moment.

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Our Challenge

Our challenge is to focus solely on Christ. Consequently, we are not to be distracted by others at the table. Nor are we to be distracted by those who stand outside the door. As a result, we experience Jesus in our corner because we only have eyes for Him.

“Now I know, Lord, that you are for me, and I will never fear what man can do to me. For you stand beside me as my hero who rescues me…”

Psalm 118:6-7a TPT

Regardless of your daily tasks, or the expectation of those you do life with, God Almighty stands in your corner. He is for you. He looks at you with love and grace. He delights in the gifts you offer Him as you seek to honor Him above everyone and everything else. God remembers you for doing what you can to express your adoration to Him.

Women with linked arms Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

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