Nancy Brewer

Two Thoughtful Questions to Create a Better Summer

Summer is truly here! Students are free of the classroom, and teachers have cleaned out their desks. Since I work retail, I meet all sorts of people who are purchasing necessary vacation items. On the home front, we’ve opened the doors and windows and we’ve turned on ceiling fans, attempting to keep our house cool. We always have the goal to hold off turning on the air conditioning for as long as possible.

My Inner Summer Girl

The idea of summer makes me want to work less, read more, and enjoy the random surprises each day holds. As a result, sitting in my office to write is a huge struggle. I’d much rather call a friend and go shopping for things neither of us needs, or at least lounge around sipping iced coffee.

The other morning, as I sat on my deck next to the firepit with coffee cup in hand, I felt my sensible side nudge me to get up and get busy. My inner Summer Girl sighed believing my responsibility was speaking wisdom, but then God’s Spirit reminded me of a wonderful truth.

I was sitting with Jesus and soaking in His presence, there is nothing better to do with my time.

I decided to get up when Jesus nudged me to move.

Dawdling with Jesus

I realize not everyone has the freedom to sit with Jesus for as long as she likes. For example, children, and spouses, work and daily tasks often demand we step away from soaking in Jesus to our heart’s content. Most days, I can’t dawdle for as long as I’d like, but that morning was a gift.

In those moments, as I read God’s Word and jotted down what I could see in the scripture passage, the Holy Spirit posed this question to my heart: What is keeping you from seeing Jesus fully? God’s gentle Spirit reminded me why I needed to dawdle on that day. He clearly had truth He wanted to speak into my soul; He was drawing me closer into His presence so that I could live the summer day fully.

God’s Invitation

In Christian circles, we often talk about God inviting us into relationship. Unfortunately, we often tie it to just receiving salvation. It’s as if we believe, once you’re introduced to God, relationship will just magically happen. I’ve never had a relationship like that with anyone, have you?

I want to encourage you to today to dawdle a bit with Jesus. Look at what James says.

“…you want only what will give you pleasure. You adulterers! Don’t you realize that your friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again: If you want to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God. Do you think the Scriptures have no meaning? They say that God is passionate that the spirit he has placed within us should be faithful to him. And he gives grace generously. As the Scriptures say, ‘God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble.’ So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.” 

James 4:3b-8 NLT

Truth from the Book of James

That first phrase, “you only want what gives you pleasure,” is the epitome of summer; we want what what we want, what we think will make us happy. James is writing to the scattered twelve tribes, and he calls them out for being selfishly focused. James even goes to the extent of describing them as adulterers, someone who has cheated on the person they are to be most committed toward.

Photo by Angello Pro on Unsplash

I believe God wants us to relish the days of summer. I am convinced God wants us to delight in the sunshine and the freedom these longer days provide. I also believe God calls us to continually see Jesus fully.

Truth about God

Look at what James teaches us about the Lord. God is passionate, unselfish with His Spirit, and jealous for our attention. In addition, God gives grace generously and He specifically gives grace to those who choose humility. Moreover, God wants us to come to Him, and He blesses us when we move our position and draw near to Him. Finally, God doesn’t want us to divide our loyalty to Him in any way. He longs for us to fully focus on pleasing Him and not ourselves.

Truth about Ourselves

Now, look at what James teaches us about ourselves. We often become too focused on what pleases us. We want to walk the fence between God and the world; we don’t want to give up all our pleasures. Consequently, we need grace because we may want to come humbly, but we allow our pride to dominate. We won’t experience all God has for us if we are not completely loyal to God and God alone. For this reason, we must release fitting into what the world says is good, right, or best.

Thankfully, God places His Spirit within us. Following Christ isn’t something we have to do in our own strength, by the power of our own will. But we must still continually choose God and Him alone. We must want God more than anything else; we must long to see Jesus fully each and every day.

Applying Truth from James

As we stand at the beginning of summer with all our hopes of rest, relaxation, and refreshment, I have two questions for you to consider.

  1. What is keeping you from seeing Jesus fully?
  2. How can you carve out time to regularly dawdle with Jesus this summer?
Photo by Mike Erskine on Unsplash

God wants to enjoy this season with us. He’s looking forward to delighting with us as we enjoy camping and fireworks and barbeques. God is anticipating revealing the beauty of His creation, the laughter of children, and the wonder of shared moments with family or friends. But more than anything, He is longing to build a deeper intimacy with us, where we know His love and grace, and discover pleasure in His presence.

Happy Summer, my friend!

Volkswagon Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash