Nancy Brewer

Resolve to Live an Undistracted Life with Four Powerful Truths

It all happened on a Sunday morning. You would think that after growing up in a pastor’s home and then being married so many years to my sweet Pastor husband, I would have the Sunday morning gig down. A Jesus-follower’s Sabbath focus is to be on worship and anticipating the opportunity to celebrate with other believers, not on whether one is looking her best.

Sunday Morning Gig

My morning began with my personal time with Jesus out on our deck. The story I read in John 9 really captured my imagination and I dove into examining the verses more closely. At one point, I glanced at my phone and realized time had flown by. I needed to hustle, or I would be late to church.

My hustle became more of a dawdle as I changed my clothes too many times. Then, I tried to figure out how to finagle my hair into my new hair clip. Another glance at the time, and I put my hair in a ponytail, inhaled a quick breakfast and dashed off to church.

Photo by lexie janney on Unsplash

Sunday Morning Blunder

As I sped through a light, I realized I wasn’t portraying any kind of mature Christian behavior. I randomly thought: if a policeman stopped me, what would he think when my excuse for breaking the law was I needed to be in my second-row pew before the first song began at church.

In my mind, I attempted to downplay what the Spirit was telling me by describing my behavior as “distracted.” Yet clearly, I had been preoccupied with getting ready and lost track of time. I couldn’t even admit to myself I had been distracted with looking good. Have you ever been there?

Wisdom in Scripture

Colossians 3 is a familiar passage to those of us who have been following Jesus for any length of time. I know I’ve skimmed over it before with the belief that I understand what Paul is saying. As a result of my Sunday morning blunder, I began looking at Pauls’ wisdom with fresh eyes.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

“So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.”

Colossians 3:1-4

Distracted Zone

There is no doubt my mind was set on earthly things that Sunday morning. I was more concerned with the possible opinions of those in the pews, than entering into God’s house to worship Him. It’s not that I didn’t want to go to God’s house and experience His Holy presence, but I chose instead to dwell on my irrational fear of what other’s might think.

It’s easy to live there, in that “distracted zone.” We forget we are to seek the things which are above. Do you ever think: I don’t know what those things are? I can’t be thinking about eternity and heaven all the time!

So how do we practically live with our minds set on things above? As I processed the events of my morning through the wisdom of Scripture, God’s Spirit reminded me of four truths we must weave into our souls.

Resolve to Move Away from Living Distracted

Truth 1: We must work to be consciously aware we have died to what this world says is important.

I got tripped up by my appearance. I wanted my outfit to be flattering and cute, complete with matching shoes. I also wanted my hair to have that easy, messy, tousled look that I see on social media, but I let fear tell me I would be viewed as not good enough. My thoughts were all focused on me, and not set on God at all.

We get tripped up in different ways. We buy into what the world says is the best way to relax, and never consider being quiet with our Savior, allowing Him to refresh us (Isaiah 40:31). We believe success means having a social media following or purchasing a bigger house and a fancier car all the while ignoring that Jesus said to seek His way of doing life (Matt 6:33).

Truth 2: We are to have the attitude Christ must increase, and we must decrease.

John the Baptist had the attitude of truth two. John was getting tons of attention because he was doing outrageous things that were getting people talking. When Jesus showed up, people were surprised John was unconcerned he was losing his followers to Jesus.

John knew who he was, and the importance of the job God gave him. He also knew he wasn’t the Savior. God delights in each of us; He loves us with an overwhelming love. Consequently, we should believe we are significant to God. However, we need to remember we aren’t God. It’s not all about us.

Truth 3: We allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit of God without fear of condemnation.

In his letter to the Romans, Paul reminds us we don’t have to be afraid of judgement once we have accepted Christ as our Lord. The Holy Spirit reminds us we are part of God’s family and when we need God, we just cry out “Daddy!” God knows there are days we need our dad more than others, and it’s okay. No judgement, no ridicule, just grace and the help we need (Romans 8).

Truth 4: We must resolve to see life from Christ’s point of view.

Paul uses the Greek word phroneo in Colossians 3:2 that is translated in our Bibles as “set your minds.” Phroneo means to direct one’s mind to a thing, to seek, to strive for. When we “set our minds” we don’t always get things right. Instead we determine to keep working at altering our viewpoint to match God’s eternal perspective . Paul isn’t saying in Colossians 3 we are to only be thinking about streets of gold and angels with harps. We are to obstinately strive to look at life through the lens that “Christ is all that matters” (Colossians 3:11 NLT).

Resolve to Seek Christ

On that fated Sunday, the idea I was prepping for church was in the back of my mind. Sadly, I had tucked it away so far back it had no impact on my thoughts or immediate actions. God taught me a powerful lesson on my race to church. I needed to adjust my spiritual point of view. I don’t believe God was telling me to stop fixing my hair or creating appealing outfits. He was stating it was time for me to flip flop my thoughts and bring what was in the back to the forefront where it should remain.

Photo by John Cafazza on Unsplash

Are you living distracted? Or are you living resolved to see Jesus first and foremost? Is your point of view focused on the truth that Christ is all that matters? Are you ready to have your vision expanded by the mercy, grace and boundless of love of God? Weave the four truths into your soul and live an undistracted life.

Church Photo by Florian Weichert on Unsplash

2 thoughts on “Resolve to Live an Undistracted Life with Four Powerful Truths

  1. Such a good reminder as we travel this world. As we have to live in this world, may I remember to see through His eyes and live by His Spirit. Thanks for the song yesterday. He is SO Good.

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