Nancy Brewer

How to Easily Flip Chores into a Godly Mission

I am not a fan of laundry; I find laundry too unending. As the years passed and my children moved out, I discovered laundry less foreboding. Between my sweet Pastor husband and I, I wash four small loads, and everything is done.

Extra Laundry

However, when my son visited during his military leave, I admit laundry was not simple. I honestly thought the laundry multiplied when I wasn’t looking. I would wash considerably more than four piles, and the piles were far from small.

I wasn’t thrilled to do that many loads of laundry, nevertheless I was still happy to do it. I’m happy to do just about anything for my boy, especially when he came home on military leave.

Please allow me to clarify. I made sure my boy knew there was no automatic assumption I would do his laundry. Generally, he did his own laundry when he came home. He was just thankful he didn’t need quarters to clean his clothes.

An Act of Service

I remember during one visit, as he prepared to go golfing, he asked the question, “What are you doing today, Mom?” I listed a few things and laundry was on my list. Inadvertently, I cracked open a door of opportunity and he pushed it wide. “If I put all my laundry in the basket, will you do my laundry?” he asked. Tell me, what’s a mom to say?

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Clearly, I agreed to do his laundry, while forgetting a couple of details about my precious son. First of all, he uses at least one new towel every morning. Second, he brings home all his dirty clothes so he can wash them for free.

As I sorted the clothes from his basket, I chuckled to myself. I’ve surely done this laundry routine for him many times as an act of certain necessity. After all, we prefer to wear clothes that are clean, and so do the people we spend time with. Moreover, I know, in Mom language, this is an act of service. I am nonverbally saying, “I’ll fill in the gap for you, and take care of you. I’ll help you live a good life. I’ll step in and take some of the load off your shoulders.” 

A Mission of Prayer

I knew as I made pile after pile, I would spend a good portion of my day folding clothes and trying to figure out what socks belonged to him and what socks belonged to my sweet Pastor husband. God’s Spirit spoke to my heart and revealed to me that in those moments of mindless activity He presented me with a sweet opportunity.

As I folded each oddly familiar shirt, I prayed over every moment he would live while he wore it. Next, as I tackled the huge pile of towels, I prayed his heart and mind would be clean. So many towels for being home such a short time.

Photo by Jisu Han on Unsplash

I matched up socks and prayed over who he pairs himself with, those he hangs out with and spends time with. Specifically, I prayed he would choose to be with people of integrity and honor. In addition, I asked God to show up in the middle of their activities and reveal Himself to my son and his pals. Finally, as I folded his shorts, pants, and jeans, I prayed my son would choose where he goes wisely, and if he chose to go places I’d rather not know about, that God would go before him.

I willingly agreed to do my son’s laundry somewhat offhandedly. God formed my willingness into a holy purpose. God revealed His goodness, and my heart was overwhelmed. I know God heard my prayers and received them as a fragrant aroma. I received the blessing of knowing God used me. Furthermore, He blessed me even more abundantly as He drew me closer to His heart.

Your Journey:

What chore in your house feels like “that overwhelming task?”

What do you do for family members that is an act of service?

Have you ever considered praying over your family members as you serve them?

Read Colossians 3:18-4:6.  What phrases jump out to you and why?

What do you learn about God?

What do you learn about others?

What do you learn about yourself?

Take a moment and listen to God’s Holy Spirit. How can you do a regular task as a purposeful mission this week?

Laundry Photo by PlanetCare on Unsplash