Nancy Brewer

A Lesson about Genuine Loyalty Learned from Sam, the Dog

My sweet Pastor husband and I once had a escape artist dog. I remember one very EARLY morning; he displayed his talents.

Sam’s Escape

I padded out to the kitchen around 6 am. As per my routine, I opened the back door to let Sam, our border collie, do his morning business in the back yard. I proceeded to make coffee and unload the dishwasher.

I finally poured my first cup of joe and realized my dog still hadn’t returned to the back door. So, I went out onto the deck, in my pajamas, in the cold, to look for Sam. I quickly discovered an open gate through which my little adventurer had disappeared.

Photo by Alvin Engler on Unsplash

Searching for Sam

For the next 45 minutes to an hour, my sweet Pastor husband and I searched for our dog. I remember feeling frustrated and panicked since looking for a black dog in the dark isn’t easy. Just as we had decided to return home and hope our precious mutt found his way back on his own, we saw him sprinting our way.

I felt a mixture of relief and intense aggravation. I grabbed Sam and took him inside, while my husband hurried to take his shower, eat breakfast and head to work. I finally sat down to have my quiet time, but my heart didn’t feel tranquil.

My Emotional Aftermath

I wouldn’t describe myself as angry at that moment. However, I realized I was officially annoyed. I spent the first hour of my day, in the cold, hunting for my dog and my irritation lingered.

As I looked at Sam, I could tell he was glad to be home. He revealed his remorse through his tucked tail and by the fact that he kept rolling over to show me his belly. Despite this, I knew Sam would disappear again if I released him into the back yard and he found the gate open. My dog didn’t understand true repentance.

True Repentance

God spoke truth to my heart, and I faced some tough questions. Did I understand true repentance, or did I too often act like my dog? Did I want to be home with Jesus, and dwell where He is? Or did I want to go adventuring and do whatever I wanted? If I chose to leave the safety of God’s boundary, did I want to get by with just a little tuck of my tail and a showing of my belly when I rambled back home? Was I truly willing to submit to God’s authority?

A Man Called Enoch

In my quiet time that morning I read about Enoch. Enoch was a descendant of Adam’s son Seth, and Enoch never died. Instead, God chose to give Enoch a miraculous trip straight to heaven. Enoch literally disappeared from the earth.

We first read about Enoch in Genesis 5, where he is described as a person who walked with God. Later, In Hebrews 11, the author says Enoch pleased God. None of the Biblical writers say that Enoch did anything wildly momentous.

Enoch’s Example

Enoch wasn’t a CEO, or someone famous. He didn’t invent the latest, coolest gadget, nor was he everyone’s favorite teacher or coach. Enoch was just a guy who delighted God because he enjoyed “habitual fellowship” with God (Genesis 5:22, Amplified).

Unlike my dog, Sam, Enoch didn’t want to escape the yard for an adventure. Enoch wanted to be where God was all the time. Enoch chose to be with God, hang out with God, talk to God, know God, and do whatever he could to make God happy. Consequently, Enoch is listed among the faithful in Hebrews 11.

More Than Dog Loyalty

God longs for each of us to be like Enoch. God doesn’t ask us to do things so others will be impressed or consider us important. On the contrary, God asks us to just focus on Him alone and delight in being with Him.

God wants more from us than just dog loyalty; He wants priority commitment. We must choose to please God above anything else we do. God desires we live like Enoch, in continual fellowship and with reverent obedience. We add to the glory of our God’s great name when we live with steadfast, loving loyalty.

Your Journey

In what ways do you exhibit “dog loyalty” to God?

Read Genesis 5:21-24 and Hebrews 11:5-6. What phrases jump out to you and why?

Not a lot of information is given about Enoch. What do you imagine he was like?

What do you learn about God from the scripture you read?

Take a moment and listen to God’s Holy Spirit. Is there an area where He is speaking to you about repentance?

What are some ways the Holy Spirit is revealing where you can show your desire to please God?