Nancy Brewer

Joy is Found When You Choose Obedience to God’s Adventure

Several weeks ago, my sweet Pastor husband used the word adventure in his sermon, and the word lingered in my mind. I continually danced around the word in personal mental gymnastics as I questioned myself. Am I adventurous?

I confess I was once adventurous. However, as I’ve aged, I most often aim for safety. I long to feel secure, at ease, not anxious. I’m not sure when the shift happened, but I find myself often wishing to act more freely.

Open to Adventure

Years ago, I wrote a blog post and told the story of a little girl I witnessed one evening. The adorable little girl held fast to her mother’s hand while she also tugged with all the enthusiasm her tiny little body could express. “Let’s run, Mommy! Let’s run!”  

She captured my heart. I craved the delight she expressed to fully experience all life offered in that particular moment. In the blog I wrote, “…I want to be open to the best of all that is before me…” And at that point in my life, I believe I did.

Allow me to be honest. I still say phrases like that to myself and others. If you read my blog regularly, and follow me on social media, you read words from me that state a similar idea. I honestly desire to live my everyday life on adventure.

I just struggle with the follow through.

God’s Invitation to Adventure

In my quiet time, I am journeying through the first five books of the Bible, also called the Torah. I use The Bible Project app and their study resources. In the Torah, one reads the story of the Israel nation and how God rescued them from Egypt. You learn how God provided a way for them to have a relationship with Him.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I am overwhelmed by the intensity of God’s holiness in these stories, and how He nevertheless continually aspires toward relationship with this less-than-stellar group of people. The Bible Project pointed out a line in Exodus 19 I never noticed before.

God instructed Moses to tell the people to sanctify themselves because in three days God planned to come down on Mount Sinai. Moses informed the Israelites to gather at the foot of the mountain but told them not to touch the mountain. If anyone touched the mountain, they would die.

“When the ram’s horn sounds a long blast they may go up on the mountain.” (emphasis mine)

Exodus 19:13, CSB

The Israelites’ Response to God’s Invitation

God descended on Mount Sinai in a dense cloud with thunder and lightning, fire and smoke. The Israelites were so scared that when the horn sounded, they just stood there and trembled. In Exodus 19:19 we read the horn grew louder and louder, plus Moses was speaking, as well as God was answering Moses in a loud voice.

I can only imagine how overwhelmed the Israelites were in all of their senses. They heard so many sounds competing and creating a cacophony. As they breathed in the smoke, they wondered about the intensity of the fire of God. I suspect the sight would cause any of us to be terrified. Sadly, the Israelites allowed their fear to dominate, and they didn’t respond to God’s call; they refused to ascend the mountain into God’s presence.

Fear vs the Adventure of God’s Presence

I behave too often like the Israelites. I tremble with fear when God places an adventure before me. He calls me to step out of my comfort zone and experience His presence. God wants to reveal to me who He is. However, to know Him more intimately, I must choose to move away from comfort and security.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

You may wonder, what does this type of adventure look like? The adventure of experiencing God’s presence can look like so many everyday opportunities that cause us to feel anxious.

  • Inviting a neighbor to your small group Bible study
  • Asking a co-worker going through difficulties if you can pray with them
  • Stretching your budget and your time by taking a meal to someone in crisis
  • Sitting next to someone new on Sunday morning and inviting them over for lunch
  • Calling a friend who keeps coming to mind and asking if everything is okay
  • Volunteering to teach a young person a skill you have that they are curious about
  • Opening your home and inviting girlfriends to gather together
  • Taking a treat to the new family who moved into your neighborhood
  • Sitting on your front porch and getting to know the people who walk by on a warm evening
  • Shopping for an elderly person who struggles to get out, or offering to take her shopping with you
  • Babysitting for a young mom who you can tell needs a break
  • Assisting a stranger trying to load things into the back of her car

The Benefits of Choosing Adventure

God invites us to be with Him. He longs to dwell with you and me, every day, all day. Consequently, He nudges us to step out of our comfort zone and move into the space where we must rely on Him to be obedient. As we talk through our fears with Him, as we seek to know His wisdom and strength, we gain His peace and the assurance of His delight in us.

David reminds us of the truth our adventuring heart needs. “I know the LORD is always with me, I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me…You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with your forever.”

Psalms 16:8 & 11

May you run with joy toward adventure.

The Adventure Begins Photo by Matthew Sleeper on Unsplash