
Five Simple Steps to Experience a Life of Freedom

Confession time: I don’t like to be trapped.  Both my sweet Pastor husband and my son like to pin me down or corner me in a small space.  It freaks me out, and my response amuses them to no end.  My husband will even grip my wrist and hold it,

How to Successfully Believe Jesus is the Bread of Life

Satan tried to pull one over on me last week.  He was working overtime to lead me into discouragement and discontentment.  That sneaky devil put up a strong fight, and I still feel a bit scarred from the encounter. I didn’t recognize I was in a battle till close to

Power and Hope is Found in a Personal, Present God

Fall is my favorite time of the year.  I love the changing colors and dream of being able to spend days upon days in New England soaking up the beauty. I believe pumpkins should cover (and I do mean cover) my front porch, along with a scarecrow or two.  Sweaters

Sixteen Traits of God Found in Isaiah 43

He is Creator (Isaiah 43:1). The word for create used in verse 1 is the same word used in Genesis 1:1. He is the God who can create something out of nothing, as well as form something new out of what already is (see Isaiah 43:1 and Genesis 2:7). He

How to Trust the Truth of What God Sees in Us

I’d like to take a survey some day and find out which characters in the Bible people believe they are like.  I recently read the parable of the talents in Matthew 25.  My sweet Pastor husband and I discussed it as we headed up the mountain for a retreat.  It

How to Live in the Strength of a Warrior

I lay awake staring into the dark.  I yearned for sleep to silence the thunder of my thoughts, but the storm wouldn’t cease. Rest was just a dream.  So many what-ifs rained down, flooding any hope of rational thought.  I flipped from laying on my right side to laying on

The Hope of Being Captured by the Holiness of God

Would you let me just ramble today?  Go grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable in your favorite chair and let’s chat.  Life has been busy.  I feel a bit frazzled and overwhelmed, yet not lost.  The activities and commitments on my schedule are things I want to do.  My

Powerful Lessons Learned from a Tree-Climber

I recently stopped by a friend’s house unexpectedly to surprise her with a gift. I anticipated her response and the joy I would feel when I spoiled her just a bit.  What I didn’t expect was how my simple visit with her would leave me feeling so understood. As she

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