Nancy Brewer

A Challenge to Think Sweet Thoughts about our LORD

Are you ever drawn to a particular Psalm? I’m not sure what instigated my reading of Psalm 104, but the imagery in the psalm captivated me. The picture of God that the Psalmist portrays is breath-taking: His power, His majesty, His beyond-what-I-can-fathom-ness.

I was especially intrigued with verses 33 and 34 of Psalm 104. I read those two verses in several translations and fell in love with The Passion Translation’s point of view.

“I will sing my song to the Lord as long as I live! Every day I will sing my praises to God. May you be pleased with every sweet thought I have about you, for you are the source of my joy and gladness.”

Psalm 104:33-34 TPT

Thank the Lord for Grace

I need to be honest. As I type this, my head hurts and my emotions are frayed. It’s been a day. I want to feel like singing, but the truth is I’d rather put my pajamas on, order pizza, and binge watch whatever will distract me the most. Whereas I am not thinking negatively about God, I don’t necessarily have sweet thoughts in the moment. Thank the Lord for grace.

I can say He is my source, whether I’m feeling particularly joyful or glad in the moment or not. Christ is my source of salvation, life, strength, and hope. Those words conjure peace for my soul, and as I breathe in His presence, His peace is generating an attitude of joy. Again, thank the Lord for grace.

In Response to Psalm 104

When I was young, I wrote poetry and verse often. I filled notebooks. The other morning, when Psalm 104:33 & 34 first captured my attention, I felt compelled to create a psalm of my own. It was a good process; the Lord felt especially close. I thought I would share my psalm with you.

A Psalm of my Own

I stare out my window
and comtemplate my day.
There is a schedule to keep,
Tasks to be completed,
Decisions to be resolved.

I see the budding trees:
Precious clusters of white blooms
Decorating branch prongs.
The breeze blows in whiffs and whispers
Gently jostling the leaves.

My soul longs to pause ~ 
Ignore the schedule,
Neglect the tasks,
Gift the decisions a hiatus.

The world outside my window
Calls to me
Beckons me
Entices me
to revel in the wonder of possibilities
and sunshine
and the freedom known of childhood.

But I know I cannot.
I have responsibilities,
and commitments,
and obligations.

Still, my heart smiles.
I've beheld a flourish of creation.
I've marveled over God's creative flair.
I've encountered the Living God
and I've caught a glimpse of His smile.

I rise from my desk,
surrendering to the composition of my day.
And my spirit whispers with the Psalmist,
"May you be pleased 
with every sweet thought
I have about You.
For You are the source
of my joy and gladness." 

God in the Everyday

God is the midst of all our everyday stuff. He is there with the laundry, work schedules, school commitments, sporting events, carpools, and grocery lists. He is close when we feel looked over, ignored, exhausted, unsure, and confused. He celebrates with us when we finish a project, dance in the rain, make a new friend, slow down to savor our favorite drink, and hug our families.

Since God is always with us, should we not be gracious enough to our grace-giving God to include Him in all we do as we live our everyday life? Oh, that we may learn to think sweet thoughts about our precious Lord throughout all the activities and things that fill our days.

I challenge you to write a Psalm of your own; a poem penned to our marvelous God. I would love to read what you write.

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