Nancy Brewer

How to Know What is Good

What is good? If you were asked to define the word good, what would you say? We use the word good often. For example, we describe food as good, entertainment we’ve enjoyed is classified as good, and when we aren’t feeling sick, we feel good.

However, in each of those examples, good isn’t specific. For this reason, we wonder things like, was the food spicy or sweet? Did flavor explode in your mouth, or did you eat a meal that was at best, satisfyingly sustaining? Were you sitting on the edge of your seat at the movie or laughing hysterically? Do you feel good because your muscles are stronger (though sore) from exercising or did you sleep soundly for a full eight hours?

We use the term good as a fallback word. In other words, we find it easier to say good, then take the time to fully describe or explain what we experienced.

Cling to the Good

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog entitled “How to Love Sincerely and Rejoice with Others Well.” I shared four things God revealed to me as I struggled to fully rejoice with a friend who was rejoicing (Romans 12:15). The second concept God pointed out to me came from Romans 12:9, “cling to the good.”

“Let love be without hypocrisy. Detest evil; cling to what is good.”

Romans 12:9, CSB

What is good?

Tree of Good and Evil

I am currently studying the Torah with the help of resources from The Bible Project. At the beginning of my study, I watched a video from The Bible Project where they introduced the first half of the book of Genesis. In the video, I learned God is the one who defined what is good, until Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Good and Evil.

Adam and Eve were instructed not to eat from that particular tree. God provided plenty of trees and fruit for them to enjoy, but He set one boundary for them to obey. Although we don’t know how long Adam and Eve enjoyed the pleasures of the Garden, we do know things changed after Eve had a discussion with the serpent.

Choosing One’s Own Good

The serpent told Eve that eating from that tree would open her eyes, and she would know good and evil, just like God. All of a sudden Eve began to look at the Tree of Good and Evil differently. Genesis 3:6 says, “The woman saw that the tree was good for food…”

I find it curious Eve didn’t seem to long for the fruit from that tree before, but now she has decided it was good food. Did the fruit look juicy? Did she imagine it tasted sweeter than other fruits? Was the color of the fruit suddenly more appetizing? Could she smell the fruit now; was it tantalizing?

Eve chose to follow her own definition of good and not God’s definition. God told them it was not good to eat the fruit from that one tree. Both Adam and Eve decided they defined good, better than God did. Consequently, they chose to disobey, and sin entered God’s perfect world.

Just Like Eve

I am like Eve; I choose what I perceive to be good and ignore what God is telling me. For example, I find something I want to buy. I process the purchase by its price, its usefulness, and my level of need. I distinguish whether it is a good buy or not. Then, at times, I hear God whisper I don’t need the item, therefore don’t spend the money. However, I’ve already determined it is a good buy and I pay for the item while rationalizing my decision.

Allow me to give you another example. God plants the idea in my brain to take dinner to a friend who is going through a difficult season. I hear God and agree the idea is kind and generous. However, I look at my schedule and I feel the squeeze of many things on my plate. How will I find time to make an additional meal? My definition of good says I should wait and see if I have time later in the week. God’s definition of good says trust Him, He’ll provide the time and resources I need to get done what must be done.

God’s Definition of Good

We define good according to what is convenient for us, pleasing to us in the moment, and beneficial to our comfort. God defines good differently.

  • Good is when we need a place of refuge and find it in God (Psalms 34:8).
  • Good is when we live according to God’s purposes, not our own (Romans 8:28).
  • Good is when we are grateful (Psalms 107:1, 1 Thessalonians 5:18).
  • Good is when we are obedient to God’s commands (Matthew 19:17).
  • Good is when we live with integrity and do what is right (Psalms 84:11).
  • Good is when we fear God; when we treat Him with appropriate reverence (Psalms 31:19).
  • Good is when we recognize God’s thoughts and ways are different from ours (Isaiah 55:8-9).
  • Good is whatever leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4).
  • Good is when we choose to confess our sin and our selfishness (1 John 1:9).
  • Good is when we choose to trust God and depend on Him, even when circumstances are overwhelming and frightening (Joshua 1:1-9).
  • Good is when we choose to release our will and rely on God when we are anxious (1 Peter 5:7).
  • Good is when the Spirit uses everyday life, stress, fears, success, and/or difficult situations to form His character in us so that we exhibit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).
  • Good is when we learn to be content with what we have (Hebrews 13:5).
  • Good is when we allow God’s Word to disciple and discipline us (Hebrews 4:12).

Benefits of God’s Definition of Good

Photo by René Porter on Unsplash

When we consider God’s definition of good, we commune with the Spirit. We learn to seek, understand, and adopt His point of view. As we live into God’s definition of good, we spend our money, time, and energy wisely. We submit to God’s sovereignty, more quickly and with less stress, when we follow God’s definition of good.

Cling to God’s Definition of Good

Just like the serpent lied to Eve, the world lies to us and attempts to define good for us. However, only God can define good. In Matthew 19:17 Jesus said “Why do you ask me about what is good? …There is only One who is good. If you want to enter into life, obey the commands.”

It’s true we are to cling to the good. In addition, we must make sure we define good according to God’s definition alone. Furthermore, we need to remember God’s view of life isn’t tainted by any shade of darkness.

We can rest in the glorious truth of Psalms 106:1. “Hallelujah! Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His faithful love endures forever.” (CSB)

Good Photo by Volkan Olmez on Unsplash