Nancy Brewer

Hope is Found in God’s Wondrous Field of Grace

I woke the other morning with the beginnings of depression. My dreams during the night were emotionally stressful, and when I opened my eyes, I was greeted with the continual grey sky that has become our norm due to an inversion. I had the day off, but it felt dictated

Three Simple Keys to Hope when You Feel Less-than

Let me just begin by saying I have empathy. My sweet Pastor husband sometimes questions whether I have empathy toward him, but we both know when it kicks in for someone, I have a tough time seeing anything but the flood of emotions. Empathy for Jesus’ Disciples My empathy kicked

Godly Wisdom for the Old War in the New Year

Christmas and New Years are over and there is that odd emotional letdown. If your celebrations were wonderful, there’s a sadness it’s now over and life has moved back to its normal daily rhythms. For those whose holidays were not as charming, we discover disappointment mixes in with the sadness

The Best Christmas is Found When We Consider

I have achieved my gift purchasing stride… but I have supposedly completed my Christmas shopping. A free day finally unveiled itself on my calendar and I spent the day shopping with a friend. We bought gifts, had lunch, and even treated ourselves to a Christmas deal or two. After I

The Truth of God is Found in His Celebration Style

It occurred to me the other day, as I was driving (to where I don’t remember), life feels more pleasant during the Christmas season because people are on similar pages with one another. Everyone is looking forward to a party, a concert, a family get-together … something. We all have

Three Simple Steps to Occupy Yourself in The Waiting

The Christmas season is a time filled with waiting. We wait for family members to come home; we wait for a big event like a party or a concert; we wait for the mail to come anticipating cards and entertaining annual letters; we wait for that special cookie or Christmas

Five Simple Lessons from the Wise Men’s Journey

Our Christmas lights are up! They’ve been up for weeks, and I confess we turned them on before Thanksgiving. Christmas lights are so festive; I love driving through various neighborhoods and seeing the different displays. I’m always so impressed when someone goes to all the work of setting their lights

Give Thanks for a Bountiful Portion

Warning: Thanksgiving is this Thursday. I hope you’ve already begun to thaw your turkey in the refrigerator as recommended. One year, I experienced beginning Thanksgiving day with a frozen bird, and it is not a good thing. Thanksgiving is a food holiday in our house. We gather and we enjoy

Creating Memorials Helps Us See Who We are Becoming

I went exploring last week. I was privileged to attend a church conference with my sweet Pastor husband in North Carolina, so I took advantage of the opportunity to discover a new place. Gleefully, I pulled my honey along on a history scavenger hunt in Asheville. Asheville has an Urban

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